I’m Back With Some Exciting News!

I’m Back With Some Exciting News!

The Early Stages!

It’s been a little over six months since my last post. I have spent these months writing, getting comfortable with my new career and most importantly working on the new fantasy anthology, The Chronicles of Del Plazo: The Vallejo. I had no idea that this novel; whose roots began during NaNoWriMo 2019 as the Alexia Chronicles, would grow into such a massive fantasy novel. I can’t even begin to wrap my head around how big the world has become. Thirteen islands including a floating sky island called; Haven, the world of Del Plazo has twists, turns, and dark secrets awaiting to be found. It’s been fascinating to read the submissions as they come in, the characters that have been created, the creatures that lurk within the forests, the blood that gets spilled.

The Cover and More!

I put the deposit down on the cover, which made it even more real. There is no turning back, I must finish the editing process and share the world of Del Plazo that has been built with thirteen other amazing author’s, 4 of which are my sub-editors. I couldn’t have done this without all of them. Now I know how other fantasy Indie author’s must have felt during the editing process. It’s a lot of work, a lot of me putting my head into my hands, blurry eyes, and of course tears. The tears come from reading a story that fits so perfectly within the world, the time that author must have taken to truly read the other submissions and find a connection. Finding a connection is what makes this anthology so amazing, but also complicated to edit. There are so many stories and characters that are interwoven with one another. You may find Furnish on Six Finger’s in Samia’s story and then on Scarlett’s Cove treasure hunting for the ever sought after Scarlett’s Jewel. What is it needed for? Will it be used to save the world of Del Plazo from the devastation that The Vallejo brings, or is it just fool’s gold? You will have to read it to find out!

What else?

I don’t have a set release date just yet. I am hoping to aim for September 2021. From here on out I am hoping to keep up with my blog posts and will be working on my official Facebook author page. It’s the last social media site that needs one. I just find it so hard to keep up with it all, but I do know that it is a good thing to have as it helps to be able to run promos and such. I am also still tweaking Dreamwalker aka Emma Jayne. My very first WIP that began during a very painful time in my life. It’s a project that is dear to my heart and it has to be perfect before I would even consider sharing it with the world. It’s so close to being perfect, but it still is missing something. I haven’t quite put my finger on it and it hasn’t jumped out of my pen to spill out onto the paper like ideas and words usually do.

I am going to end this here and I just want to thank each and everyone of you that took the time to read through this post and all the other posts that I do. I also want to thank The Literal Challenge https://www.theliteralchallenge.com/ and NaNoWriMo https://nanowrimo.org/ for inspiring me during my darkest day’s. I have made so many new friends, friends that may only be online and across the pond, but nonetheless, friends that I cherish. You may not even realise the impact that all of you have had on me over the past few years, the challenge’s you have help me overcome, the sleepless nights, the feeling of failure that often creeps in. You have helped me push through and know that I can do this. If you have read this far and have had the same feelings, just know that you can do whatever it is you are wanting to achieve. Never give up. Don’t stop dreaming. With that I bid you adieu.

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