Why Can’t I Write?

Why Can’t I Write?

It’s a loaded question… for me, at least. Writing would usually just come so easily, I could sit down at six in the morning with my cup of coffee, one of my favourite pens (usually purple in colour), a blank page and just write for half an hour about anything and everything. Now, when I sit down at six in the morning, with one of my favourite pens (this morning, it was blue), with my coffee and a blank page… NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. My brain has nothing to give.

I know what you are thinking… But, you just wrote an entire paragraph filled with words. This is true, but those words are words that took me fourty minutes to think about and then I just wrote them to avoid what I actually want to do, which is write a new story. A riveting story. A story that readers will want to read and when they do read it, they want to read it again just in case they missed something the first time. A story that has a purpose.

As of this moment in time I have quite a few writing projects that I am working on, some are novels, some are novellas, some are short stories, some are screenplays… all of them are unfinished, so I am going to list them out here by title and give the first paragraph or two, starting with the most recent:

The Voices

As I sat there watching her dance my mind began to wander back to the days of simplicity. A time in life where a bad day consisted of weak coffee and a cold breakfast sandwich. Now that I had invited her in, a bad day consisted of battling the voices that began to invade my brain space. They never stopped talking unless I turned to the drink and then they’d quiet for a little while and for just that moment I was happy, joyful even.

Simulation Series

She couldn’t be heard. She couldn’t be seen…

At least that is what Scarlett imagined as she tiptoed down the spiral staircase, through the dining room…

“Boo!” Scarlett yelled as she entered the kitchen. William was standing by the stove, pan in one hand and a spatula in the other, “Did I give you a fright?” Scarlett giggled.

“A terrible fright, my lovely daughter. What on earth has you up so early?” 

“The smell of bacon,” Scarlett said with a smile.

Dragon Man

I watched her as she walked by, she was tall with dark brown hair, and beautiful green eyes. I tried to say hello, but I just couldn’t find the words. I decided to follow her, just to see where she was going and maybe I could work up the courage to introduce myself. A simple hello, ask her how her day is going so far and maybe ask her what her name is. I bet her name is Kate or maybe Rebecca, I’ve always wanted to date a Kate though. Kate and Nate sitting in a tree k i s s i n g… such a silly song. I could just picture the two of us sitting on a bench in the park, holding hands and talking about our day.

Scream Camp



The sun is just coming up over the treetops.

The light is dancing on the water’s surface

A crow CAWS as it flies over the treetops.

DAWN and KATIE are standing on the dock facing each other a boom box is placed between them.

The camera zooms out just enough to show the back of PATSY watching Dawn and Katie. Patsy has short blonde hair. She is wearing black shorts and a black tank top.

Patsy is holding a video camera in her right hand which is pointed at Dawn and Katie. Patsy’s left hand which cannot be seen is behind her back.


The day that it happened there was a smell in the air. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. A mixture of shit and tuna. Possibly death.

The bell rang waking me out of a fog. It was only second period, which meant five more hours of torture. I just wanted to go back to sleep. My insomnia had returned with a vengeance. I am certain it is wanting to kill me slowly. Taking away an hour of sleep here and there. No biggie.

Eva Marie (Working title)

Eva couldn’t figure out where life had gone wrong. Had she broken a mirror at some point and now it was coming back to haunt her? Did she step on a crack which in turn broke some poor Mother’s back and now she was being punished? Perhaps that black cat that was always sneaking around the neighborhood, crossed in front of her while she wasn’t looking. If only she could go back to that very day and start all over again, take it all back…

‘What are you looking at?’ The voice that asked this question belonged to someone that Eva detested. Someone that she hadn’t seen in years and had hoped she would never see again. Apparently, that wasn’t in the cards, and she would have to turn around and face the enemy.

There Are More…

I listed six, but there are more… many more. All different genres spanning from fantasy to paranormal to a hint of romance (It’s only a hint, because I detest writing romance) to psychological thriller… I think I’ve made my point, I have a lot of projects in progress, some that are seventy-five pages long, some are two pages long, but they all seem important to finish. I also have a journal that I’m working on, and that is at the top of the list.

So, my goal this year is to pick three and finish them and then hopefully publish them. My other goals are to begin writing again every day, reading every day, and posting a new blog twice a month.

Thoughts and / or suggestions? Love to hear them, and thank you for reading. 

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