Prose, Prose (Prose)
Many moons ago there was a writing group called: The Literal Challenge, and they would host writing challenges throughout the year. My favourite one was, Like The Prose. During the month of June a prompt would magickally arrive in my inbox and there would be an amazing prompt for me to read. I would then have 36 hours to write a brand new story and submit it through a magickal portal. Well… that challenge sadly came to an end in 2021, so as June of 2022 approached I decided I would just create my own writing prompts and invite everyone and anyone to join. In 2022 I had fifteen writers at the ready and this year I have thirty-one writers with their pens at the ready to conquer the: Prose, Prose (Prose) challenge.
The Prompts
A few days before June arrives I write down thirty prompt ideas with the intent to use them all, and for the most part the ideas get used, but sometimes I veer off the trail and head down a dark alley, because you never know what you may find hiding in a dark corner. Sometimes it’s just a piece of chewed up gum, but other times it’s the Shadow Man with his top hat always perfectly placed and a brand new prompt idea pops into my head.
This year the writing of the prompts isn’t coming as easy at it once did, and I’m certain it’s just a case of losing my mojo and one day I’ll wake up and the words will just flow out onto the page like a fire hose. For now the leaky faucet will have to do and I’ll continue to write; albeit slowly with a lot of back spacing, cursing, deleting multiple paragraphs, and wondering… (fill in the blank)
Now I shall give you the day five prompt and invite you to ‘play’ along!
Prose, Prose (Prose): Day Five
I’m going for easy this week, so we can all get our feet wet before tackling the harder prompts. Insert evil laugh here.
Today I would like for you to catalogue your life from the moment you wake (or woke) up to the moment that you place your head on your feather soft pillow. Note: this is also a great way to work on character development, so if you have a character or two that you are trying to get to know better then use them.
What did you do, where did you go, and who did you see? You can write once an hour, or just wait until the end of the day to write it all out.
Time to put your pen to the paper, or your fingers on the keys and write about a day in your life or your imaginary friend’s life… just write about someone’s life.
Cheers, Renee
PS: And if you would like to formally join the challenge send a message to reneeschnebelinbooks@gmail.com and I will happily add you to the list!