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Tag: Writing Tips

Prose, Prose (Prose)

Prose, Prose (Prose)

Many moons ago there was a writing group called: The Literal Challenge, and they would host writing challenges throughout the year. My favourite one was, Like The Prose. During the month of June a prompt would magickally arrive in my inbox and there would be an amazing prompt for me to read. I would then have 36 hours to write a brand new story and submit it through a magickal portal. Well… that challenge sadly came to an end in…

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Scriptly Challenge!

Scriptly Challenge!

The Literal Challenge’s Scriptly Writing begins today! What is Scriptly Writing you ask? It’s 14 fun filled days of writing 14 fun filled short screenplays. Does it sound fun, crazy or both? Definitely both! I am also participating in The Literal Challenge’s A Dozen Daring Dramas, which is writing 12 full length scripts for each month in 2021. Crazy fun! So this means I will be writing 14 short screenplays and a full length screenplay this month. Why? Why in…

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I was sitting down yesterday attempting to finish the first story for Del Plazo. Everything is written except the first story and the appendices and I just cannot focus. This is when the idea for Chaos was born. What is Chaos? By definition: complete disorder and confusion. Behavior so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions. Chaos to me is what I assume all writer’s go through on a daily basis. My brain…

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The NaNoWriMo Journey: A Month of Feverish Writing

The NaNoWriMo Journey: A Month of Feverish Writing

Today is December 5th, 2019 and NaNoWriMo has long been over, but my brain had turned to mush. My original plan was to have this written and published by December 1st, but alas here I am. If you can’t tell by the extra-large photo posted above, I was a winner! I wrote 50,026 words by November 27th. Sadly I was at the office as I typed the winning words so I had to keep my excitement to a minimum, but…

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Is This Real Life?

Is This Real Life?

Tomorrow is October 1st, 2019. Tomorrow is day one of the 31 day #RealityWrites challenge. Each day a non-fiction prompt will be given and we the participants have 36 hours to post a complete and original submission. This challenge is exciting for me and I cannot wait to dive in. Most of us are creating daily works of non-fiction from email responses, Facebook posts, to Instagram photos and more. With each post we have a story to tell about ourselves….

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Closing in on the First Draft Finish Line!

Closing in on the First Draft Finish Line!

Yesterday I printed out all 119 pages of zero-draft onto size 8X11 paper and placed the pages into a three-ring binder. I am 100% positive that I am at the point where this step was necessary. My manuscript is ready to go through the first steps of editing. Wow! I know there are many things that need finished, like the last chapter. And there are things that need to be tied together and cleaned up. I am pretty sure the…

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Not Quite NaNoWriMo: My Month of Writing 50,000 Words and Why.

Not Quite NaNoWriMo: My Month of Writing 50,000 Words and Why.

NaNoWriMo = National Novel Writing Month. It was founded by Chris Baty in 1999 and has taken off from there. The goal is to write an entire 50,000 word novel over the course of 30 days. Sounds completely insane…right? Well, about a week ago I decided that I wanted to get in on the NaNoWriMo bandwagon and quickly realized that the actual camp occurred in July and November. At first, I was a little disappointed that I would have to…

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