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Tag: Writing Challenge

Prose, Prose (Prose)

Prose, Prose (Prose)

Many moons ago there was a writing group called: The Literal Challenge, and they would host writing challenges throughout the year. My favourite one was, Like The Prose. During the month of June a prompt would magickally arrive in my inbox and there would be an amazing prompt for me to read. I would then have 36 hours to write a brand new story and submit it through a magickal portal. Well… that challenge sadly came to an end in…

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No Regrets!

No Regrets!

During 29 Plays Later one of the prompts said to rewrite your favourite novel or story into a script, so I of course don’t really follow directions to the letter, but I did take inspiration from one of my favourite novels written by Matt Haig titled: The Midnight Library. If you haven’t read The Midnight Library then I suggest that you do so right now. It will change your life. My short script that was inspired by The Midnight Library…

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Writing Challenges

Writing Challenges

I had high hopes for 2023 and mapped out writing challenges that I wanted to participate in. January was the NYC Midnight short story challenge, which I signed up/paid for, waited until the day before the due date, fell asleep before finishing the story and then submitted it at 11:59 PM. I went to sleep relieved and woke up in a panic. Did I actually hit submit or was it all a dream? After feverishly checking every tab in Gmail…

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The Secret

The Secret

This is a snippet from my story titled, That Day. It was written for Day one of the Prose, Prose (Prose) challenge that I created to challenge myself and others during the month of June. The Secret She never talked about it. It was something that she would keep tucked away. No one could ever know. Not even her husband. It was something that she would have to take with her to the grave. She didn’t even know how it…

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Fade to Black

Fade to Black

I missed posting yesterday and I meant to do it this morning however time just got away from me. Today’s Scriptly Writing prompt was to write a script for a Tik Toc video. I don’t Tik Toc so I created a script for Scream Camp scene. A scene that would be shown in black and white film reel style. Silent film. Suspense. I titled it Fade to Black. I hope it’s enjoyable and would love a like and any feedback…

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Today is day one of Scriptly Writing. This is the second year that The Literal Challenge has put this on and it’s quite fun. Fourteen days to write fourteen scripts. This year I’ve decided to share mine and even if no one reads them it’s keeping myself accountable. The first prompt is to place your characters in a kitchen. Any kitchen will work. I’ve decided to utilize these prompts to create scenes for my full feature length titled, Scream Camp….

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Scriptly Challenge!

Scriptly Challenge!

The Literal Challenge’s Scriptly Writing begins today! What is Scriptly Writing you ask? It’s 14 fun filled days of writing 14 fun filled short screenplays. Does it sound fun, crazy or both? Definitely both! I am also participating in The Literal Challenge’s A Dozen Daring Dramas, which is writing 12 full length scripts for each month in 2021. Crazy fun! So this means I will be writing 14 short screenplays and a full length screenplay this month. Why? Why in…

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Trilogy Time

Trilogy Time

The Literal Challenge’s, Like the Prose, began on June 1st. Thirty stories to complete in thirty days. Piece of cake, right? I had good intentions on doing a blog post per day but became bogged down doing some other very important things on top of writing a short story per day. So here I am on day eleven and finally found some time to share one of my short stories. Yesterday we were given the task to write a trilogy….

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