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Tag: Shortstory

Just Write!

Just Write!

I often find myself going back and reading through a book that I’ve read through many times. The Right to Write by Julia Cameron is one of these books. It’s one of the books that has given me so much motivation. It’s the book that motivated me to create this website, keep writing when I didn’t feel like it, and so much more. Morning Musings. One of the first things Julia writes about is very simple and if you haven’t…

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Trilogy Time

Trilogy Time

The Literal Challenge’s, Like the Prose, began on June 1st. Thirty stories to complete in thirty days. Piece of cake, right? I had good intentions on doing a blog post per day but became bogged down doing some other very important things on top of writing a short story per day. So here I am on day eleven and finally found some time to share one of my short stories. Yesterday we were given the task to write a trilogy….

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