Seasons of Life
I’ve been thinking about today for the past few days. It’s been a long time since I sat down and was able to place my fingers on the keys and just type out my thoughts. I’ve wanted to, but I lacked the energy to do so. The last month and one day have tested me, mentally and emotionally. It tried to break me as much as it could, and it lost. A true test, one that’s still present, but less intense. There are still hard days ahead for us, but I’m hopeful the hardest days in this season of life are almost over.
I’ve been tested before… many times and I always seem to tackle those tests, and rise up to the surface with just a little scarring. I can look back on my life and revisit those hardships, even those that were dealt to me when I was just a child.
A little girl, with long curly blonde hair, hazel eyes: frightened. I can remember sitting up in my bed and wondering why did she not come home. Why would she leave me home alone at night, the dark room surrounding me, almost closing in as if to swallow me whole. The wind was howling outside, causing the window next to my bed to shake and rattle. That was one of my earliest memories of being afraid of the dark.
That little girl got older, her hair went from blond to light brown, eyes darkened; it’s amazing how much one’s appearance can change in such a short period of time. My eye colour has changed back and forth over the years, but my hair colour has remained the same with some added sparkles here and there. When I was younger I would dye my hair to cover those streaks, but now I leave them there. Those sparkly streaks are reminders of not only hard times, but also times where my patience was and still can be tested. (I’m working on that…)
Back to the title, Seasons of Life:
Although some say there are six seasons of life and others say there are only four; I believe that there are more than that. I feel like for myself I’ve had so many seasons of testing and breakthroughs which all were difficult in their own way and necessary for me to go through. As this passage states: Genesis 8:22 | While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night, shall not cease. In life there are seasons of seedtime, waiting and harvest… seasons of testing and breakthrough. The difficult seasons are necessary for the good times to come.
I will sign off with this: I’ve been told by so many that they are impressed with how positive and strong I’ve been throughout the last month, that I’ve been an inspiration and have given them strength to tackle life… With that, I will say that I’ve been surrounded by so many friends, family, and even strangers who have helped me stay strong. Could I have done this on my own… probably, but it would have been harder. Just remember when you are going through tough times, even times that seem impossible to get through… always look for something positive. A light in the darkness. It will be there for you… it’s just waiting to be found.