Oh, the Books You Will Buy…

Why did this take so long?
I understand that in order for an author to sell their books, they must market themselves and their books. And of course I do want to sell my novels, and I want them to be read and hopefully enjoyed by many readers. I just never have enough time to market my books, because when I’m not creating fascinating stories, I’m either selling/marketing insurance or walking the pooches. And I know, I’m just making excuses and doing what I love the most… procrastinating.
Without further ado, let’s get to the whole point of this post, which is to showcase my novels and hopefully sell some books!
What’s in stock:
Dream Journal, was published on May 28th, 2024. This journal is just for you. A place to write down all of your hopes, your dreams and even your nightmares. When I turned seven my mom gifted me my first diary, the one that had a lock and key. I can remember how cool I thought I was to have a place to write down anything I wanted to and that it was for my eyes only. Throughout this journal you will find some quotes that can also be found in my novel Dreamwalker. Main character Emma uses her Dream Journal to record all of her sleepwalking adventures, night terrors, and even her encounters with the Shadow Man; with his top hat always perfectly placed. Now it is your turn to fill these pages with anything you’d like…
Dreamwalker, was published on July 6th 2023. After four years of writing, editing rewriting, scrapping and eventually polishing, Dreamwalker was ready to publish. A lot of sweat, tears and wine went into my fourth novel. For her whole life, Emma Jayne Potter has had to battle, night terrors, sleep paralysis and a dark presence hovering above her while she sleeps. As she struggles to comprehend loss, life changes and growing up, the questions at the forefront of her mind… Am I awake? Is this life? What is reality?
Dreamland was beginning to blend in with reality, creating a chaotically braided world filled with dark alleys, floating red orbs, and sometimes the Shadow Man – with his top hat perfectly placed.
cHaoS! was published on December 8th, 2022. This novel is for the reader who appreciates short stories that span across many genres. cHaoS! was created because I had so many short stories, scripts, screenplays, and ramblings and more that were just collecting dust. So, I decided to puzzle them together and create a novel filled with all of that and more.
The Chronicles of Del Plazo: The Vallejo, was published on November 20th, 2022. It is an epic 824 page fantasy anthology. There are fourteen islands to explore, maps, and even an appendix. Follow Alexia as she traverses the world of Del Plazo to find out why women have been disappearing, who the Aardsmen are and how the mysterious floating island in the sky holds all of the answers. Among the fourteen authors who contributed to this fantasy anthology, you will discover there’s more than just storms to be afraid of when visiting the islands of Del Plazo.
Thirty Days, Thirty Stories: An Anthology of Shorts, was published on November 6th, 2020. After completing a thirty day story challenge, I found myself with thirty brand new short stories and wanted to publish them. So, I reached out to some of the other writers who partook in the very same challenge to see if they would want to contribute to the anthology. Of course, they did! It came together in under three months with the help of my subeditors: John, Samia and Robert. Inside you will find a beachcomber’s delight as you explore the rocky shoreline, stumbling upon surprising treasures, gruesome revelations and more!
I know many readers prefer e-books over a paperback. (I’m guilty of this… I do a lot of walking and I love to read while I’m walking, so in those instances I will read the Kindle version). The Amazon link above will take you to all of my books that are available to purchase via Amazon, but signed copies are way cooler and come with a little surprise!
Thank You!
If you’ve purchased any of my novels and/or supported me in any way, I am so grateful for you and would love any feedback that you may have. If this is your first time visiting my website, please like, subscribe and share.