Just Write!

Just Write!

Coming soon….

I often find myself going back and reading through a book that I’ve read through many times. The Right to Write by Julia Cameron is one of these books. It’s one of the books that has given me so much motivation. It’s the book that motivated me to create this website, keep writing when I didn’t feel like it, and so much more.

Morning Musings.

One of the first things Julia writes about is very simple and if you haven’t guessed it by now (see post title) it’s to just write. She calls them morning pages, I call them my morning musings. I first read this book in 2019 and since then I must have 20 notebooks filled with words, stories, fear, sadness… Julia suggests writing three full pages first thing in the morning before you do anything else. By doing so it will help you start your day and be ready to conquer anything you may encounter.

These morning musings have motivated me to accomplish so much over the past almost three years. It’s hard to sit down and write every single day, but when I do get something written down on the page it creates something magical and it is that day or week that I accomplish something on my to-do list.


Publishing Dreamwalker before 2021 ends is on my list of things to do for quite sometime. Yesterday I ordered the proof copy to work on final edits and fill in the missing pieces. It’s so close to being complete and I am hoping having it in book form will help me with those gaps.

Dreamwalker is one of many unfinished projects that I have started over the past two years. I am honestly itching to start something brand new. It’s like buying a new pair of shoes or getting an Amazon purchase in the mail. At the same time I do know that I should finish at least one unfinished project before beginning a new one. Maybe…

Current projects:

I have quite a few novels in the works that are so close to being ready to publish.

  • The Chronicles of Del Plazo: The Vallejo
  • Simulation Series
  • Chaos
  • Creating an author journal/planner
  • Dreamwalker

I feel like this is a common struggle for many writer’s. We have so many ideas floating around inside our brain that we always feel the need to start something new. That’s how Chaos was born.

CHAOS should come together rather quickly. I have all the material ready to be placed into manuscript form. All of the short stories, scripts, poems, ideas, random notes…CHAOS. This project is really for me. A catalog of sorts that showcases some of my favourite stories. Stories that were written in less than ten minutes on a snowy Tuesday morning. Scripts that I wrote during 28 Plays Later and 29 Plays Later.

I hope that it will be motivational for those writer’s that are afraid to share their untold stories. I hope that it gives the reader an inside look into what we do when we aren’t working on the second book in the series. Perhaps G.R.R.M has been writing short stories for the last few years instead of finishing the next GOT book.

Why I Write!

As The Right to Write and Stephen King’s, On Writing mention: if you are not writing for yourself and because you love it then you are not doing it ‘write.’

That’s why I write. Because I love it. I do want to share my stories with the world, but I want them to be meaningful. Dreamwalker is a story about a young teen girl named Emma. It’s about her life, the trauma that she experiences, love, loss, friendships that span a lifetime. She has a crazy Aunt Sally who lives in a spooky old mansion with creepy dolls in the basement…so many things to discover. Emma is also experiencing terrifying nightmares, sleep paralysis, sleepwalking, and more…

All of the things that I have been dealing with since I was six years old. For me getting it out on the page and then to share it is terrifying. At the same time I am hoping that those that have experienced these sleeping “issues” will know they aren’t alone and those that have never experienced the Shadowman looming over them in a terrifying night terror can understand that these things happen to completely normal people (well mostly normal)

I never talked about those things with anyone until I moved in with Kevin who is now my husband. I kind of had to explain why he would find me just standing at the end of the bed staring at him in the middle of the night. Or why I would get up in the middle of the night and move to the couch. That was usually due to me having a nightmare and I had to move to the couch because the bedroom was frightening.

Coming soon…

As I mentioned, Dreamwalker is coming soon. My first real novel that was written in the middle of the night when I could not sleep. Half of it was written on the color note app on my phone (Chaos) A quarter written in multiple notebooks. (Yes, a chapter was lost) After I was finally able to get all of that into a Word document in some sort of orderly fashion and then edited multiple times-she is almost ready.

This post was my morning musing and I hope you enjoyed it. I hope that if you are writing, published or not and want to have someone read your words that you just ask. I will be happy to read and give feedback. Send me an email: reneeschnebelinbooks@gmail.com, a Facebook message, leave a comment etc.

If you are a reader I would love to hear your thoughts. Maybe readers don’t actually read blog posts and that’s okay as well.

On that note I am going to be done with these ramblings and maybe get a nap in before the sun comes up. This was written at 4 a.m. because I couldn’t sleep. Just normal insomnia. As always of you read this, can you please give me a like, a comment and a share? Happy Saturday!

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