

Today is day one of Scriptly Writing. This is the second year that The Literal Challenge has put this on and it’s quite fun. Fourteen days to write fourteen scripts. This year I’ve decided to share mine and even if no one reads them it’s keeping myself accountable.

The first prompt is to place your characters in a kitchen. Any kitchen will work. I’ve decided to utilize these prompts to create scenes for my full feature length titled, Scream Camp. That should give you a hint on what kind of kitchen this scene takes place in.

Scream Camp is pure 80’s B horror film, which I thought would be the perfect theme for Halloween. This also meant all fourteen scripts have to be Halloween themed or somewhat spooky. Ellie is set in Dark Hill Campgrounds kitchen. I imagine it smells of burger grease, hot dogs, and sweaty children. Use your imagination. And hopefully it’s somewhat enjoyable. This 3 page screenplay was written in about twenty minutes.

Also, formatting is obviously off as they are screen snips. I wasn’t sure how else to share it. I tried copy and paste, but that didn’t work well. If anyone has any idea on how to get a screenplay into a blog post and have formatting look amazing, please share your secrets with me. Enjoy!

If you read this far I thank you for that! If you can give this a like and a comment that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and Happy Friday!

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