About Me.
Who I am.
As far back as I can remember I have always wanted to be a published author. In middle school, I submitted short stories to the Young Authors of America and won a few awards. From high school into my late twenties, I kept an active journal and wrote all the time. Somewhere in between my late twenties and mid thirties I developed a severe case of writer’s block. Life got busy and I just quit because it was just easier.
Fast forward to an early morning in January 2019…
We had spent the weekend down in Athens, Ohio at Jackie O’s. It was such a fun weekend spent with so many amazing friends. When I woke up on Monday I had a weird rash on my cheek. It wasn’t anything crazy and I just assumed that it was from the hotel we had stayed in. Perhaps they used a detergent that didn’t agree with my skin. I Went to work as usual, and felt good all day, but I was slightly sore. I chalked it up to all the dancing I had done over the weekend.
Tuesday morning, I woke up and couldn’t move. Every single joint in my body from my neck all the way down to my toes felt like they had seized. The pain was unbearable. My first thought was… I’m paralyzed. This is it. I took lots of deep breaths and calmed myself as best as I could and then with all the determination in the world I was able to move my toes. Phew.
The first thing I did was call the doctor’s office and made an appointment. Unfortunately, they couldn’t get me in until two o’clock… crap! So, I decided that I would just go to work only because of who I worked for. It was just easier than trying to explain that I was at Death’s door and wouldn’t be able to come into the office today. (Read the story, ‘The Fog’ which can be found within cHaoS! then you will understand…) Going in was a mistake… by noon I realised I had a fever. Every breath I took caused pain from my neck to my toes.
By the time one fifteen rolled around I was pretty certain that life was coming to an end… it didn’t (obviously). I lived to tell the tale. In the end I was diagnosed with an arthritic virus. The pain, swollen joints, and exhaustion stuck around for a few months. At night when I couldn’t sleep I wrote. That was the year Dreamwalker was born. And that was the year that I started writing again. Dreamwalker is nearly done and I can’t wait to share her with the World!
Why was this website created?
This website is still a work in progress just like my first unpublished novel, ‘Dreamwalker.’ I knew that the site needed to be created prior to the book being published, so here it is. For the most part, My Musings. will be the most active page of the website until my book is released. I hope they are enjoyable and interesting. Let me know your thoughts either way and if they need improvement I will do my best to change the content.
Why start writing now?
I have always been a writer. Starting around the age of 6, (this is as early as I can remember.) I started sleepwalking, experiencing sleep paralysis, lucid dreams, and night terrors. So writing was my way of getting all of the scary dreams onto paper. I am sure when I was 6 I was probably coloring, drawing, and reading, but I am almost positive I was given a journal to write in for my 7th or 8th birthday and from then on I was always writing. As mentioned above, I continued to actively write into my late 20’s and then somewhere that stopped.
What is Dreamwalker about?
This novel will be following a fictional character named Emma Jayne Potter, born on July 6th, 1979 in Castle Rock, Co. She loves everything about Castle Rock, the tranquility, the close-knit community and most of all her best friends, Evan, Mia, Lily, and Thomas. The day after Emma’s thirteenth birthday her world gets turned upside down and she is forced to move a couple hours north to Fort Collins. At the same time she is also battling the ever increasing nightmares that have plagued her since her sixth birthday. What started out as a harmless ghost named Henry has turned into night terrors, sleep paralysis, sleepwalking, and now the ever feared Shadow Man.
Random facts about my life.
I am married to my best friend and forever partner. We have three pups, a thirteen-year-old beagle mix named Willie, and a 6-year-old mini dachshund named Max and a 1 1/2 year old pug mix named, Gizmo. Those three boys are my life. I just Love them so much. I love to read. If you look at my Instagram feed it is full of all the books. I love most genres but tend to lean toward dystopian novels.
I am an Indie RPG girl, who grew up playing the original NES, building worlds in The Sims for hours and I love to watch all the t.v. shows. Particularly the old ones… although Stranger Things and Gilmore Girls are shows that I will revisit often. Probably too much screen time, but it helps me relax in my downtime. If you have any subject matter that you would like me to discuss please comment below and I will do my best to get to those as quickly as possible. If you have read this far, I thank you! Here are some pictures of Max, Gizmo and Willie to make you smile!