Scriptly Challenge!

Scriptly Challenge!

The Literal Challenge’s Scriptly Writing begins today! What is Scriptly Writing you ask? It’s 14 fun filled days of writing 14 fun filled short screenplays. Does it sound fun, crazy or both? Definitely both!

I am also participating in The Literal Challenge’s A Dozen Daring Dramas, which is writing 12 full length scripts for each month in 2021. Crazy fun!

So this means I will be writing 14 short screenplays and a full length screenplay this month.


Why in the world would someone such as myself partake in two crazy screenplay writing challenges at the same time along with the other projects I have to finish, plus actual work (boring and takes away my writing time) and to top it off I am taking courses to get my CPCU designation! 😅

  • Because it’s fun and if there is a challenge to partake in I am all in and you better believe I will finish it on time even if it’s zero hour and I have no words on the page I will get it completed in seconds flat.
  • Writing anything is what keeps me going. It helps me to not dwell on reality. Have you not looked at the world and the chit show that is going on?
  • I can kill off characters in stories if someone makes me angry. In real life that’s frowned upon.
  • At the end of this challenge I will have fifteen new screenplays! Who knows, maybe one of them will be a 💎

This year I have decided that I will be sharing my screenplays here as they are completed. I have never done this before, but this time I just want to officially keep track of what I write and share it with others to read.

Scream Camp!

Scream Camp is the full length screenplay that I am going to complete this month. It’s pure 80’s B horror movie with a slight twist. Before signing off I will leave you with a little sneak peek of Scream Camp.

Opening Scene
You Will Never Leave!

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Happy Sunday!!

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