Alexia Chronicles Part Two

Alexia Chronicles Part Two

Thirty days, thirty new stories continues with the second part of the Alexia trilogy. These stories are written, edited, and submitted in under 36 hours, so keep in mind that there may be POV issues, time line errors, etc. If you notice any of that please feel free to leave a comment below.

Alexia Chronicles – Part Two

Del PLazo

Written by: Renee Schnebelin

Del Plazo weather was just as hot and humid as Alexia remembered.. The drive through the bay went smoothly and they were docked and ready to unload just as the sunrose. Their plan was to get all the supplies they would need before noon, have lunch, and then set back off to keep ahead of the storm. 

     Bastion had been acting nervous during the entire ride over, muttering to himself and pacing. This odd behavior continued the minute they arrived at Del Plazo.  As soon as the boat was unloaded he said he had to leave and meet up with an old friend.  At one point he returned without his pack claiming he had sold it for quite a bit. He handed Alexia a leather coin pouch and had told her to keep it close by. “Did he say close by? Or handy? I then asked him what I would be needing the money for and shouldn’t we put it with the rest of the cash. And he said that I would be needing it in time. 

Just as the market was about to open, Bastion asked Alexia to accompany him to Ila Grimm’s house. He said that he needed to get some information from her and it would also be good for Calvin to see his mom.  

Alexia was relieved that he had asked her to accompany him. It would give her an opportunity to keep an eye on him for a bit. She told Allister, Timm, and Finn to get the supplies and they would all meet back at the boat by 11:30. It was now an hour later and Bastion could not be found. 

“I just don’t understand. He asked me to go back to the boat, so that he could finish up his discussion with Ila and that he would only be a few minutes late.” Alexia was beginning to worry that they would have to leave behind him. 

“Let’s take another trip around the market. He may have gotten stopped by Vespa or one of the locals. You know how he likes to talk. It’s easy to get lost when it’s this crowded.” Allister said with a tinge of worry in his voice as well.  Alexia agreed, and managed to  slip away from the group unnoticed with Calvin by her side and made her way back to Ila’s house hoping to find Bastion.


Alexia knocked on Ila’s door and waited patiently for Ila to answer.

The door finally opened, “I figured I would be seeing you again today, dear.” Ila said, ushering them both inside.

“Do you know where my dad went? He said he would only be with you for a few more minutes and it’s been almost an hour and we cannot find him.” Alexia asked Ila. A bad feeling was starting to creep in and Alexia knew immediately that her Dad was in trouble.

“No, dear. Bastion has something he needs to do. Would you like a cup of tea?” Ila said, heading towards the kitchen. Alexia could hear her pulling out ceramic mugs and then filling the teapot. Ila came back into the living room with a platter of cookies and set them down on the table. “Help yourself. I will be right back with that tea.”

“What on earth could he possibly need to do? We need to push off in less than an hour to get ahead of the storm.” Alexia could feel her blood pressure rise with every tick that the cuckoo clock made. The teapot’s shrill whistle startled Alexia and Calvin. Ila appeared again with two steaming mugs of tea; which she set down next to the platter of cookies.

“Eat, dear. You have a great adventure ahead of you.”

“Adventure? Can you tell me where he went?”

“That is something that you will need to figure out on your own and you will, dear. In time.” Ila spoke in a low soothing voice; which calmed Alexia somewhat.

“How? Where do I go?” Alexia asked.

“Drink the tea and eat a cookie. The answers may reveal themselves to you.” Ila picked up her ceramic mug; which was adorned with Calvin’s face on it. “Calvin can stay with me it you think it would be safer.” Ila put her mug back down onto the table.

Alexia’s head was spinning. “Can he stay with me until I figure out where I need to go?”

“Of course, dear. As you wish.”

Alexia sipped on the hot tea as the lavender-scented steam tickled her nose. The tea helped Alexia relax just a bit letting her mind work through everything that had happened up until this point. Bastion’s odd behavior earlier in the day should have been an indicator that he was up to something, but just what was he doing?

“Thank you for the tea, Ila. It really did help me relax and clear my head a bit. I guess I should get going….Is he in trouble?” Alexia knew that Ila probably wouldn’t give her a direct answer, but she had to ask.

“Bastion is doing what he thinks is best; which sometimes makes for a bad decision. I think the time for you is close. The others will be looking for you. It’s best if you wait it out. Maybe a nap in the guest room will do you good.”

A nap did sound good and Ila was right, the others would be out looking for them both. The thought made Alexia feel bad that she hadn’t told Timm what she was doing. She always told Timm. “Is it possible to get a note to Timm? I need to let him know that I am safe.”

“Have Calvin deliver it. He will know exactly what needs to be done.” Ila got up from the couch and grabbed a sheet of paper and a pen from her desk and handed it to Alexia.

Dear Timm,

I know how worried you must be and I need you to know that I am safe. I have to find my Dad and help him with whatever trouble he has gotten himself into. You must keep this a secret.

Hopefully I can make some ground before the Vallejo arrives. If I need shelter I can stay with Ila Grimm at 4898 Hicama Street Once communication is back online on Sparrow send word to Ila and I will get in contact when I can.

I promise to stay safe and not do anything stupid. I love you so much.


Alexia xoxo

Alexia rolled the note up and tied her hair ribbon around it. “Calvin, can you deliver this to Timm? Make sure no one sees you.”

Calvin took the note from Alexia and looked her in the eye and winked. Calvin ran to the open window and jumped out to the ground below. Alexia watched as he made his way down the sidewalk and then disappeared into the crowd.


Calvin headed back towards the bazaar clutching the letter in his right hand. He weaved his way through the crowds and immediately spotted the crew. 

        Timm and Finn were somewhat off to the side speaking with one of the vendors. Most likely asking if they had seen either Alexia or Bastion. The vendor was now shaking his head no and turning around to assist another customer. Calvin approached a little closer not wanting to catch Finn’s eye. Timm looked his way and Calvin quickly held his finger to his mouth letting Timm know that he needed to keep quiet. 

     Calvin slipped behind the closest booth which was empty and waited for Timm.

     “What is going on little fella’?” Timm asked.

Calvin slipped Timmy the note and ran off into the crowd. 


Timm read the note and knew exactly what he needed to do. He was frightened for Alexia, but he also understood that she had something that she needed to do.

He headed back towards the square to tell the crew that it was now time for them to shove off. 

“We should really get going. I have a feeling that Alexia and Bastion have things they need to do here. We are wasting time and daylight looking for them. We really need to get the supplies back.” 

     Allister looked around, feeling defeated, but shook his head. “Alright, let’s head to the docks, get the boats stocked, and shove off. We’ve done all we can do here. Timm is right, if we stay any longer the Vallejo will be right on top of us, and we will not make it back to Sparrow.”

     “What about Alexia? Sarai is going to kill me if I don’t come back with her sister.” Finn asked with an expression of worry on his face.

     “Alexia can take care of herself. She obviously knows something about Bastion’s whereabouts and has taken it upon herself to seek him out. Let’s get back to Sparrow, reconnect the lines of communication, and maybe we will receive word from the cabin that both of them are alright.”

     “No more time to waste talking about it. It’s time.” Timm took the lead and headed towards the docks. Inside he was still furious, but he understood, and could only hope that she would be okay.

Ila’s Cottage

Calvin popped back in through Ila’s window and perched in front of Alexia.

“You are so fast, Calvin” Alexia felt relieved that Calvin was able to deliver the letter undercover. “Thank you.” Alexia handed Calvin a jar of mangoes from her bag; which he gladly took. 

“Calvin can be a useful tool if you know how to use him correctly.”

“Do you think it would be safe for him to come with me?”

“That answer lies within. I have found over the years that Calvin is very capable of taking care of himself. Just as you had found when you crossed his path.”

  Alexia remembered that day very well. Calvin was just standing along the dirt path cold and wet with a banana sticking out of his mouth. He definitely could fend for himself if needed, but he was so happy to have a home and a family to care for him.

Alexia decided that she should really nap before heading out. “I am going to take you up on your offer and head up and get some rest. Thank you for your hospitality.”

“My home is for you to use as needed. The Vallejo is upon us and I imagine you will need shelter at some point in your journey.”

“I imagine you are right. We also have our hunting cabin on the outskirts of the ruins if needed” 

The ruins of Del Plazo were hot and dusty. It was dotted with small one-room cottages. They were inhabited mostly by women whose husbands had left them to become members of the Aardsmen. Alexia wasn’t sure why they chose to live that way. Maybe the huts were offered to them for free by the guard. She felt for them and their children who were referred to as littles. 

Her father had purchased a hunting cabin on the outskirts of the ruins that he and Uncle Allister used when they were on a mission. Usually on the hunt for rogue Aardsmen. Alexia knew that she would need to stay undercover and not get caught. Her Dad had told her the Aardsmen had been looking for her; which she just couldn’t quite understand. Hopefully, she would be able to uncover all of that and more. First, she would sleep. 

     Alexia woke up from her nap feeling slightly disoriented. The room was a little dark making Alexia wonder how long she had slept for. (What does this room look like?) After putting her boots back on she realized that the drapes had been drawn; which is why the room was so dark.

     Alexia opened the drapes to discover the sun was still high; which meant she had some time to explore the market and ask some questions. Alexia grabbed her pack and headed down the steps and into the sitting room to find Ila sipping on a cup of tea and reading her cards.

“Hello, child. You had good sleep,” Ila stated.

“Yes, I did. Thank you. It was much needed. It looks like I still have some daylight left to explore the market, and see what I can find.”

“Today you should just explore and enjoy. Trust me, child. The road ahead will be long and trying. Today is the perfect day to shop and mentally prepare yourself for what’s to come.” Ila’s message was grim, but it wasn’t something that Alexia wasn’t prepared for.

“You’re right, and I will do that. Calvin, would you like to explore the market?” Calvin had been perched on the windowsill since Alexia had come down into the sitting room. He looked a little tired.

“Did you want to stay and just take a nap?” Alexia could tell that he was tired. It had been a long tiring trip and she couldn’t blame him for wanting to stay behind in the comfort and safety of Ila’s home. 

Calvin responded by moving to a chair that sat by the window and curled up under a blanket.

“I guess that’s his answer. You two have quite the connection. Reminds me of simpler times.” Ila gazed off seeming to reminisce. “You head out now and enjoy yourself. Grab something to eat. Talk with the locals. You never know what you might hear.” Ila picked her cards back up and began to study them again.

Alexia slipped out the front door and walked down the pathway that led to the sidewalk. There was a slight buzz in the air. People were talking in the distance. Ila’s house was so close to the market. Alexia could remember when she was a little younger and she and Sarai would walk to the market hand in hand. She could remember all the smells. Sweetbreads, chocolate pastries, braised meats. She hoped that the market was just as mesmerizing as it always had been.

Alexia headed towards the market and noticed that most of the homes along the way were all painted white, with black shutters, black doors, and all were surrounded by black iron fences. Like Ila’s, the homes were rather massive. Alexia thought back and tried to remember who lived in these homes when her family lived on Plazo. They must be dignitaries or members of the ardament. As Ila suggested, Alexia planned to enjoy herself, but would also strike up some conversations if the opportunity presented itself.

The market was about 1,000 feet ahead and it was bustling today. Alexia figured that it would be a busy day. With the Vallejo approaching everyone wanted to get everything they would need before the market closed up shop. Probably in a week or so is what Alexia figured.

The market was in an ideal location sitting in the southwest quadrant of the island. The storm pattern had been following a North Easterly pattern since the start and many times this part of Plazo saw little in the way of damage. They always did receive a ton of rain from the outer bands of the storm and sometimes a little flooding, but nothing catastrophic. The main issue with the storm was that it caused travel by sea to stop. The winds had been known to create 15 to 30-foot waves in spots, and often without warning; which is why those on the outer islands didn’t even attempt sea travel. Those who did never seemed to make it to their destination.

Alexia walked through the market entrance and noticed that there were a few women huddled to the side talking in quiet whispers; which made Alexia wonder what they were talking about. She figured that they must be complaining about their husbands and moved towards the first stall.

The man that was running the stall was tall but lanky. He was wearing a colorful short-sleeved top, baggy black pants, and had a black hat on his head. “Good afternoon, lady. Would you like to step in and look at my wares? Everything is on sale and I am always willing to barter.”

“Alright, I will take a look.” Alexia stepped into the shop to discover beautiful tops and immediately knew that this must have been the place Dad had bought that top for Sarai. Alexia knew she would be purchasing something here.

“If you see anything you like, just let me know and I will give you the price.” The man’s accent was similar to Alger’s and it made Alexia feel safe.

After looking for what felt like an hour, Alexia had found two tops that she really liked, and knew that they would be put to good use. “Sir, I have found two tops.” Alexia held them up so that he could see.

“Ah yes, good taste. Four for the one on the right, and six for the one on the left.”

“An even ten,” Alexia pulled out the leather wallet her Dad had given her. She hadn’t even looked to see how much was in it, and she still had money in her pack that she needed to add. Looking inside the wallet, Alexia found a bundle of cash. She pulled a ten out and handed it to the man who had his hand extended towards her.

“Thank you, kind lady. Until next time. Have a beautiful day.” The man walked back towards the front of the stall and as his back was turned towards her, Alexia pulled out the wad of money and couldn’t believe how much she had in her hands. She couldn’t remember a time that she had this much money to spend. Dad had said she would need it for her travels and to use it wisely. What in the world would she need to buy?

Alexia stepped out of the stall and realized that she should really formulate a plan. She looked around and found an empty bench that she knew would be the perfect spot for thinking. She headed over and took a seat. The bench sat in the perfect spot so that she could view most of the market, but also be able to think about what kind of supplies she would need to buy.

Bastion had left her quite a bit of money and she knew that she couldn’t buy a ton of supplies until she knew exactly where the home base would be. Alexia assumed that she would end up at the cabin; which most likely had everything she would need to get through the Vallejo and also make contact with her family on Sparrow.

As Alexia scanned the people that were walking around the market she noticed that the group of women were still in a huddle and still whispering about some juicy gossip. That had to be what they were talking about. Next to the huddled group, an elderly couple shared what appeared to be meat on a stick and some candy corn.

A group of young girls and boys ran by with balloons in their hands. They all seemed to be having a great time. Alexia noticed that one of the girls wore all white; which indicated that she was a little. Odd, she thought. Littles normally never left the ruins. It was unfortunate, but almost always the case. She must be a relative of one of the other children. 

Alexia knew that she was wasting time and went back to thinking about what she should purchase before heading back to Ila’s. She immediately remembered that she would need to purchase a bottle that she could keep water in, a hat just in case she found herself walking through the ruins, and maybe some beef jerky for snacks.

After much thought, Alexia decided that should be all that was needed for the moment. She got up from the bench and headed to the next booth to purchase a water container.

Alexia found a booth that not only had water containers but also had many other items needed for survival. Tents, blankets, fire starter, gloves, you name it this booth had it all.

“You plan on sleeping outside during the Vallejo,” The gentlemen running the booth said jokingly.

“Ha, and no. I just need a water container. I will look around to see if there is anything else that may be useful during my travels.”

“Help yourself. Let me know if you find anything of use and I can let you know a price.” The gentlemen had a slow southern Del Plazo accent.

“You must live close to the market,” Alexia commented.

“My voice?” He asked.

“That’s exactly what gave you away. Alexia.” Alexia stuck her hand out to shake his hand.

“Rex.” Rex took Alexia’s hand and shook it, “Nice to meet your acquaintance, Alexia. You’re new to town?”

“I am from Southern Del Plazo as well. We lived in a cabin that was closer to the ravine.”

“So a real southerner,” Rex commented. “What brings you out to the market today? Getting ready for the impending Vallejo?”

“I am. I just needed a few supplies before heading back to my friend’s place here in the city.”

“Well, as I said anything that looks useful let me know and I will give you a price. I’ll be upfront if you need me.” Rex headed back to the front to assist another customer. Alexia noted that it was one of the women who had been huddled with the other women. As she was taking note of that, both Rex and the woman looked her way. Alexia quickly went back to looking through Rex’s wares. She finally found the perfect bottle to hold water or any other liquid. A pair of gloves that would come in handy should she find herself in a position to climb something and a hunting knife. Alexia waited until the lady left and then headed up to purchase the three items.

“Did you find everything that you may need?” Rex asked.

“I did. How much for the lot?”

“That’ll be fifteen on the nose.”

Alexia opened the leather wallet and pulled out a ten and a five and handed them over to Rex. “Thank you so much for your help today.”

“Thank you for stopping by. Safe travels,” Rex said as he walked back to rearrange some of the items.

“Thanks again, Rex.” Alexia headed back to the main walkway and knew that she really should get a bite to eat before heading back to Ila’s, and she knew exactly where she would be going so she headed to her favorite food stand or what used to be her favorite food stand. The lady that stood by the register was the same lady that Alexia had remembered from when she was just a girl.

“Ah, a familiar face. How have you been my dear.” Vespa came around and held Alexia at arm’s length and looked her over, “You look amazing. You must be what, 18 now?”

“Hi Vespa, and yes 18. It’s so good to see you. You look amazing as always.”

“How is your family? I think I saw Bastion and Allister wandering around earlier. They never stopped to say hello.”

“Everyone is great. Allister, Timm, and Finn headed back to Sparrow to deliver the supplies. Dad and I are going to stay on Del Plazo during the Vallejo. Ila was kind enough to offer a place to stay.”

“Dear, Ila. She is such a kind woman. She sees so many wonderful, but sometimes awful things. How about a sandwich?”

“Yes, please. And yes, she is very kind. I am not sure what I would do if I didn’t have her guidance and knowledge.”

“Is Bastion staying with you as well?”

Alexia knew this question would come up and she was struggling a bit to answer. She knew that she would have to trust someone and Vespa was probably someone she could confide in.

“Honestly, I don’t know where Dad went. He was with me at Ila’s and then I headed back to speak with Timmy and Dad never returned. I just couldn’t leave without him, so I slipped away from the others and have been hiding out at Ila’s since this morning. I had Calvin deliver a note to Timm letting him know that he must convince the others to get the supplies back to Sparrow. And now here I am. Do you have any idea where he could be?” Alexia had just spilled everything to Vespa. She hoped that the woman would have some sort of lead at the very least.

“It sounds like a terrible ordeal. Did your Dad have any dealings with the Ardament that needed to be cleaned up?”

“Not that I am aware of, but that would be a good place to start. I know that when he goes on those missions he’s not supposed to speak about them to anyone. Thank you, Vespa. It was just a little out of character for him. Especially with the Vallejo fast approaching.” Alexia let the words drop off as she noticed the group of women stood ever so close to her and Vespa. As to listen in.

“Ah, so you noticed. I was wondering when you would bring them up. I have seen them around the market for the last week or so. They are always wearing the same clothes. An odd sight, that’s for sure.”

Vespa was right about the women being slightly odd. They all wore a blue-colored one-piece jumpsuit. White shoes with white laces and all of the women had their hair pulled back.

“Wonder what they are up to. They seem to have been following me since I stepped foot into the market. One of them even followed me into the camping booth,” Alexia looked their way again. The women noticed that she had been looking and moved off to another area of the market.

“I guess you have another quest to add to your list of things to do,” Vespa said as she plated Alexia’s sandwich and handed it to her, “How does it look?”

“Amazing. Just as I remember it,” Alexia took her first bite and knew that was exactly what she needed to complete this day.

“That is good to hear, dear. Back to your initial question. You asked if I had seen or heard of anything unusual. And I actually have. There has been news of women around town being kidnapped in the middle of the night. Taken right out of their beds. If the women had husbands, they disappeared as well, leaving the children behind. It’s quite frightening, to be honest.”

“Is that why I saw the littles playing with the other kids in the square?”

“That is exactly why. They had nowhere else to go. We can only assume that it’s the Aardmen that had taken the women. Most of the littles had family here in the city who took them in, but they still have to follow the law, and we can’t just send them into the ruins to fend for themselves. I guess for now they will just stay with their family, but who knows what will happen to them if the Aardmen come through to inspect. With the Vallejo on the horizon, they don’t seem to come through very often.”

Alexia could remember Dad mentioning that as one of the reasons we fled Plazo, and he had thought that was why the Aardsmen spy had followed us, “We actually had a member of the guard follow us out to Sparrow the night we had fled Plazo. Dad thought it was because we violated curfew. Dad and Allister took care of the man and from what Dad said, the spy left Sparrow a few days later.” Alexia was thinking about how many things had occurred since that night they had fled Plazo. It seems that bad luck had followed them wherever they went. “That is frightening that women are just being kidnapped without any explanation. I guess I can add that to my quest list.”

“Just be careful dear. Even when you were a young girl, you were always on a quest to find answers to something. It was so good to talk with you. Stop by anytime. Here or even at my home. I would like to see you again before you head out.” Vespa grabbed the empty plate from Alexia and then gave her a hug.

“Sounds good, Vespa. I will take you up on your offer and I will stop by before I head off to the cabin.”

“Is that where you will be staying during the storm?”

“I think so. At the very least I need to try and communicate with Mom and Sarai to let them know that I am alright.”

“That you do. Please be careful.” Vespa said as she stepped back into the booth to help some customers that had started to line up.

Alexia realized that it was almost dinner time; which meant the market was about to get busy. This would be the perfect time to head back Ila’s so that she could get her bag packed. 

As Alexia headed back towards Ila’s she noticed that the group of women were once again following her. An odd bunch, but she wasn’t ready to approach them just yet. Maybe another thing for tomorrow if she happened to see them. Alexia put them out of her mind and headed to Ila’s with some questions on her mind and a list of quests that seem to be growing by the minute.


Alexia walked in through the front door of Ila’s cottage to find Calvin still asleep on the chair, but Ila was nowhere to be found. Alexia assumed that Ila may be taking a nap. This would be the perfect time to get her bag organized and packed.

Alexia quietly headed up the steps and into the guest room. Her pack was still sitting in the middle of the bed untouched. Alexia picked the bag up and dumped out the contents; which wasn’t much. Timm suggested that she just join them on Bastion’s boat for the rest of the trip leaving her boat safely stored on Flinn in the boathouse. At the time it seemed like a lovely idea, but that also meant that most of her gear had been left behind as well. Alexia sighed and examined what she had.

A few shirts that she had just purchased, the hunting knife, water vessel, and gloves were the new additions. Alexia opened the leather wallet to pull the bills out. She combined them with what she had stashed away on the inside pocket of her pack. She counted out the money. Altogether she had a little over a thousand bucks. She put the money back into the wallet and then placed the wallet in the hidden pocket and closed it up.

The rest of her belongings included some individual packs of nuts, one jar of mangoes, extra socks, underwear, and her journal. She had forgotten that she had brought it and was now thankful that she would have a place to take notes on the day’s events.

Journal Entry 1

Today was the first day I had been on my own since I had set sail on January 3rd. I met some interesting people today and had an amazing talk with Vespa. She gave me much to think about.

1. Could Dad be on mission for the Ardament?

2. What were those women up to?

3. Women have been kidnapped from their beds at night while they sleep. The husband also disappears. Only leaving the children behind.

4. Are 2 and 3 related?

5. Maybe this is what Dad is investigating?

That last note made perfect sense and Alexia knew that a stop at the Aardament would only draw attention to what she was up to. She really didn’t want to put anyone else at risk should the Aardsmen come back to town asking questions. Alexia knew the real answers were back at the market and that would be her first stop tomorrow morning.

Alexia closed the journal, put it back in her pack along with the other supplies, and then zipped the pack up and laid it back on the bed.

“Would you like to join me in the dining room for dinner, dear?” Ila had appeared in the doorway of the room.

“Yes, that would be lovely. Thank you,” Alexia said. Although she was slightly surprised to see Ila standing there. She hadn’t heard her creep in.

“I’m quiet as a mouse, dear. Come down when you are ready,” Ila left the room just as quietly as she had entered it. Alexia followed her down the steps and into the dining room. The table was already set and in the middle of the table sat a platter of food. Ila had made a roast with potatoes, and what appeared to be buttered squash of sorts. It looked and smelled delicious. Even though she had a sandwich at the market, she felt oddly hungry.

“Help yourself. There is plenty for the two of us. I always make a little extra. You just never know when someone shows up on your doorstep.”

“Do you get visitors often?” Alexia asked as she placed a little bit of roast and some potatoes on her dish.

“Here and there. Not as often as I’d like. It’s nice to have visitors to occupy my mind. Otherwise, I would sit all day and stare at those cards. The Ardament usually sends someone over once a week to ask if I have any new information on whatever it is they are working on at the time.”

“Have you heard about the women being kidnapped and the husbands disappearing? Who do you think is doing the kidnapping?”

“I have and  isn’t it obvious?”

This statement had Alexia thinking and then it became clear, but she wasn’t sure what the old men would want with women. Or were they just taking the women to shut them up?

“I guess I just don’t understand why.”

“You will in time. You have a big couple of days ahead of you. Eat up and then go get some rest. You may or may not find what you need back at the market, but it’s a good place to start,” Ila always spoke in riddles and would never just give direct answers.

Alexia ate the delicious meal and then headed up to bed at Ila’s suggestion. Much to her pleasure, Calvin came up with her and slept in bed with her all night.

The Man in the Alley

Alexia woke to the sun peaking through the blinds which she had left open yesterday evening. There was something nice about being woken by the morning sunrise. Alexia stretched her arms above her head and realized Calvin had already gone downstairs. After getting showered, she packed her bag and headed down for breakfast. She had the feeling that this may be one of her last hot meals for a while and needed all the nutrients she could get.

The downstairs smelled of cinnamon and coffee making Alexia smile. Calvin was sitting in the corner chair eating a banana. Alexia gave him a pat on the head and headed into the kitchen to find Ila making cinnamon pancakes and sausage links. 

“It smells amazing in here.” Alexia said, grabbing a cup of coffee.

“One of your favorites. Go, go take a seat in the dining room.  I will bring out the plates so we can eat. I think your new journey begins today.” Ila said as she grabbed the platter of food off of the counter., Following Alexia into the dining room, Ila placed the food down on the table. 

The two of them ate and chatted about Calvin. Alexia had decided that she should tell Calvin that he would need to stay with Ila while she was gone. She had to keep him safe no matter what. 

After breakfast Alexia and Ila headed into the living room to chat with Calvin.

“Hey little buddy. Did you have a good night’s sleep?” 

Calvin looked up at her and shook his head yes. 

“Good! I am going to be leaving today to do some research. I want you to stay with Ila while I’m gone.” Alexia knew that it was only the right thing to do. It may not be safe for Calvin and she needed to protect him. “I’m going to head out. Thank you again for everything. You have been a great help.”

“Of course my dear. It’s been a pleasure. It gets lonely sometimes and so a guest every now and again lifts my spirits. It’ll be nice having Calvin’s companionship while you are away. We will see each other again. For that I am certain.” Ila went back to sipping her coffee and looking at her cards. 

Alexia picked her pack up and threw it around her shoulders and headed outside to begin her day.


Alexia headed back down Hicama St. towards the market as Ila suggested. It was still rather early so she didn’t expect to see too many people out, but this would give her an opportunity to speak to any locals who knew her dad. They may have seen him yesterday. 

As soon as she stepped into the market Alexia noticed the group of women were back in their usual corner and all looked her way as she began to approach. 

From her right she heard someone whistle. She looked to discover a man standing in the shadows. He seemed to be waving her over. As she approached him she stopped short when she noticed he was a member of the Aardsmen. 

He immediately knew that she had been spooked and came out into the sunlight. Alexia knew who it was. He and Dad used to be partners and would go on Missions together with Allister. He was also the man that Alexia saw on the Sparrow docks. 

Alexia relaxed a bit and felt that the man meant no harm and followed him into the shaded alley.


     The strange women who were huddled watched as the young girl followed one of their team members into the shadows. They were aware of new recruits being targeted, but they didn’t know any of the women’s names or what islands they were from.

     They had mentioned to Jorah yesterday that a young girl had entered the market place and that they could feel her energy. They suggested that he send someone over to investigate. 

    Now the strange women all  smiled in unison and watched as the one with a bright energy disappeared into the alley. They were smiling because they knew they  would be getting a raise soon.  Very soon.

The end.

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